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Moral Authorship: reflective wheel
Using the Wheel of Moral Authorship, you can reflect in a structured manner, on your life-stories and life-issues that concerns you at the moment.
The Reflection Wheel questions the six tasks you need to execute to develop moral authorship:
Moral commitment, moral awareness, moral orientation and positioning, moral performance and moral evaluation.
Six tasks to challenge people-professionals to rewrite their moral stories, repeatedly asking questions about hard grounds, swampy lowlands, crossroads, points of learning and points to slow down.
Six tasks to challenge professionals instead of just avoid problems, to quest and embrace problems.
Six tasks to proactively explore the moral dimension of your work and process the gaining to learn morally.
To get familiar with the six tasks and practice how to use them to reflect on your thought, choices and actions, to slow down and listen to your voices. Proactively explore and verbalize the moral dimension of work to learn morally.

We developed the Wheel of Moral Authorship, to allow prospective and novice people professionals and their trainers to explore, verbalize and discuss the moral aspects of their work with the same language – professional jargon- and to learn morally.
The wheel can be used as a tool to investigate your own stories through inner speech or together with others in a group conversation. Briefly tell yourself and/or others what event you want to explore.
Then choose one of the tasks (except the moral evaluation- with which you complete your self-examination) and try to think and discuss the questions of the tasks.
Keep an eye on the outlined event when discussing. Discuss and investigate all five tasks to end with the sixth moral evaluation task. The questions of moral evaluation invite you to think about what moral lesson you can learn from the considerations.
Discussing an issue using the Wheel leads to (self) research of your moral authorship and that of your potential conversational partners. The research addresses the structured verbalizing and re-telling of your stories about the event and makes you slow down to reflect on your moral learning and, consequently, the moral learning of the group you are part of.
Do you want to use the Reflection Wheel for Moreel Authorship?